Michael Stal


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Event Handling Pattern

The Proactor architecture pattern demultiplexes and dispatches service requests that are triggered by the completion of asynchronous operations.


Structural Pattern

The proxy pattern is used to provide a surrogate or placeholder object, which references an underlying object. The proxy provides the same public interface as the underlying subject class, adding a level of indirection by accepting requests from a client object and passing these to the real subject object as necessary.


Event Handling Pattern

The Reactor design pattern handles service requests that are delivered concurrently to an application by one or more clients.


Architectural Pattern

The Reflection architectural pattern provides a mechanism for changing structure and behavior of software systems dynamically. It supports the modification of fundamental aspects, such as type structures and function call mechanisms. In this pattern, an application is split into two parts. A meta level provides information about selected system properties and makes the software self-aware. A base level includes the application logic. Its implementation builds on the meta level. Changes to information kept in the meta level affect subsequent base-level behavior.

Scoped Locking

Synchronization Pattern

The Scoped Locking C++ idiom ensures that a lock is acquired when control enters a scope and released automatically when control leaves the scope, regardless of the return path from the scope.

Strategized Locking

Synchronization Pattern

The Strategized Locking design pattern parameterizes synchronization mechanisms that protect a component's critical sections from concurrent access.

Thread-Safe Interface

Synchronization Pattern

The Thread-Safe Interface design pattern minimizes locking overhead and ensures that intra-component method calls do not incur `self-deadlock' by trying to reacquire a lock that is held by the component already.

Thread-Specific Storage

Concurrency Pattern

The Thread-Specific Storage design pattern allows multiple threads to use one `logically global' access point to retrieve an object that is local to a thread, without incurring locking overhead on each object access.

View Handler

Architectural Pattern

The View Handler design pattern helps to manage all views that a software system provides. A view handler component allows clients to open, manipulate and dispose of views. It also coordinates dependencies between views and organises their update.


Structural Pattern

The Whole-Part design pattern helps with the aggregation of components that together form a semantic unit. An aggregate component, the Whole, encapsulates it constituent components, the Parts, organises their collaboration, and provides a common interface to its functionality. Direct access to the Parts is not possible.

Wrapper Facade

Configuration Pattern

The Wrapper Facade design pattern encapsulates low-level functions and data structures within more concise, robust, portable, and maintainable object-oriented class interfaces.